Lavira Puspitasari

State Islamic University  Raden Mas Said Surakarta





Talk show becomes the dominant television program of entertainment that talks about controversial issues happening. One of the famous talk shows is Ellen DeGeneres Show. This research has three research problem the types, the strategies and the context of situation in the eighteenth season of Ellen DeGeneres Show. The researcher applied Yule’s(1996) theory to know the types and the strategies of directive speech act. He states that there are five types (command, request, invitation, suggestion and prohibition) and two strategies ( direct and indirect of directive speech acts).  Then, the researcher applied Leech’s (1983) to know the context of situation in the eighteenth season of Ellen DeGeneres Show. This research is a qualitative research by employs descriptive method. The data of this research was taken from Ellen Tube Application. The data is written form in the transcripted textThe technique for collecting data is documentation. The researcher used a validator to validate the data. In this research, the researcher found 85 data. The researcher found 38 data to command, 21 data to request, 16 data to invitation, 6 data to suggestion and 4 data to prohibition. The researcher also found 66 data to direct directive speech acts and 19 data to indirect directive speech. Command is the dominant data finding because Ellen as a host has Ellen as the presenter has acts the higher status or the authority hosting the programmes. Ellen also has a right to command the guest stars to explain their stories or to do something.  Direct is the dominant strategy because Ellen as presenter need skill like clear voice so, the guests and the audiences are easy to comprehend what Ellen want to say. Context of situations is the essensial part of directive speech acts. There are three aspects such as addresees and adreseers, context of utterances and goal of utterances.

Keyword: Talk show, Directive Speech Acts,  Ellen DeGeneres Show Season 18




In daily time, talk show becomes the dominant television program of entertainment. It is a popular program  because the mysterious guest stars or the participant of celebrities in talk show  fulfill curiosity about their life and society responses. Talk show is an influential media phenomenon that talks about controversial issues happening. It gives a different perspective, opinion and shares the guest's experiences with the public. A talk show is a television entertainment program in discussion session or conversation form of the participant on particular topics guided by the host. The participant is a celebrity, rich and inspirative person. People can get information, motivation, and entertainment from it.

According to Timberg and Eller (2010), a talk show is host-centered, the conversation form in the present tense, spontaneous but highly structured, product commodity warp out  within the strict formulas and measured segments of costly network time, and designed to air topics appealing to the widest possible audience. One of the famous talk shows is Ellen DeGeneres Show. The researcher select Ellen DeGeneres Show Season 18 as the object of the research. Ellen DeGeneres Show is daytime American show hosted by a comedian, Ellen DeGeneres. The talk show first debuted on September 8, 2013. Ellen DeGeneres Show is popular American show and becomes destination for laughter and fun dailytime show after Oprah Winfrey Show ended in 2011. Since its inception in 2003, Ellen DeGeneres Show has already got 64 Daytime Emmy Awards in total and becomes the record holder of the Outstanding Entertainment Talkshow category for 12 times.

Ellen DeGeneres Show provides many segments and games such as shows amazing talent,  chart-topping of music, and real-life stories from the guest. In eighteenth seson there are 185 episodes and every segment combines comedy and information a fact about particular topics. This episodes get the high rate and viewer because the show upholds its reputation as a leader of dailytime show genre with unparalled celebrity interviews, topical stories,  musical performances, extraordinary human interest and highlight viral sensation world wide.

In talk show the conversation will be successful when the host inferred the guest star's meaning. In linguistics, the study of meaning are semantics and pragmatics. Yule (1996:3) states that pragmatics is a study of contextual meaning concerned with how the speaker’s utterances deliver what he/she wants to say and how the hearer interprets it to get the implicit meaning of the speaker’s utterances. The context of meaning can influence the utterances by the speaker and interpret by the hearer. Speech acts is part of pragmatics field.

Directive speech act is a speech act that used when the speaker wants to do something (Yule, 1996). He classified directive speech act into some members such as Command, request, suggestion, invitation and prohibition. Yule (1996) also expained the strategies of directive speech acts such as direct and indirect strategies. Leech (1983) proposed the aspect of context situation accordance to pragmatics approach.

Some previous studies about speech act that inspiring the writer to do this research. Previous study conducted by Nurhayati (2017). This research focused on the types of directive speech act and form of directive speech act from the deep meaning of dialogue's in the Kungfu Panda 3 Movie. Then, journal taken from Girsang and Saragih (2014). This study focused on the illlocutionary act used in Ellen Degeneres talk show. There result, most dominan finding is representatives.

Based on several previous study, most of them used the object such as movies, speeches, newspapers, novels and, etc. Ellen DeGeneres Show,  is reality show. In this   case,  the research using real object which is really occuring in a real life. In  Ellen DeGeneres Show when in the interview session, the directive speech act are given spontaneously to the guest stars and the response that the guest stars given could be directly spontaneously. Moreover, theres no script that has been written and illustrated behind like in the movies or other object. In this paper, the writer focus on one character only.  Seeing this, the wrirer will analyze the types and the strategies and the forms of directive speech act used by Ellen as a host in the Ellen DeGeneres Show. The writer also willing to know in what context Ellen uses directive speech acts in conversations.



This research applied qualitative method. According to Bogdan and Biklen (1982:13) describes Qualitative research is descriptive. Descriptive research use qualitative method because the data collected is in the form word of pictures or textual rather than number. So, the form of data are textual or discursive. The data of this research was taken from Ellen Tube Application. The data is written form in the trancripted text. Its collected by the form of phrase, clause and sentences taken from Ellen’s utterances in talk show that including of directive speech utterances.

The main instrument in this research is the researcher herself. Creswell (2009), the researcher is a key instrument since the qualitative rsearcher collects data themselves through examining documents, observasing behavior and interviewing participants. The supporting instruments are pen, papers, notebook, laptop and electronic dictionary. Those things support the researcher to collect and analyze the data.

In collecting data, the researcher applied documentation to get  the transcripted data in the writen form from the Ellen’s utterances that present directive speech acts. The researcher will do the steps to collecting data such as observing Ellen DeGeneres talk show videos in Ellen Tube Application, transcripting and note taking the utterances accordance to the theory and documentating by capturing the scene that presenting directive speech act. The researcher used external auditor/validataor to validate the data. Creswell (2009) stated that the procedure of having an independent investigator look over many aspect such as the accurancy of transcription, the relationship between the research questions and the data, the level of data analysis from raw data through interpretation.The criterions of validator such as  a linguistics master who expert on pragmatics fields especially in speech act and a linguistics master who will to the validity of the data of this research based on Yule’s (1996) theory. Then to analyse the data, the researcher used Spradley (1979) theory.



Finding and Discussion

In findings, the researcher will analyze the data found on directive speech acts in Ellen DeGeneres Show Season 18. Each data found is analyzed by looking at each types, strategies and context of situsion of directive speech acts.  Here are some example of directive speech acts in Ellen DeGeneres Show Season 18 selected:

1)      27/EDS/E11/ED/C/D

ED: Thank you, I'm doing great as well. Tell everybody what you're doing! This is so cool what you're doing.

GS: Thank you. OK, so I came across a group on Facebook one day called "Desks by Dads”.


This datum occured in datum number 27 in the eleventh episodes of eighteenth season of Ellen DeGeneres Show. This datum found in 00:00:27 minutes. The guest stars is Colby from Purcellville, Virginia. Ellen as the speaker and host of this show perform direct command in the imperative form. Command or order is an action or utterances of the speaker who has the authority or power to control and give command to the hearer. Ellen used command to order the guest stars to shares the stories or to do something.

 This datum indicates as command because Ellen  as the host has right to command Colby explain what project Colby going  to do. In this case Ellen wants him tells and shares about his inspiration to make the desk and some project that he has done. In this context, he has made over 120 desks and donated them to kids in his community. He is smart boy. So, Ellen’s friends at Lowe's  going to surprise him by gave him a check for $10,000 to go towards college education. From the utterances above is direct command because do not represent other act. Its just literal meaning utterances

2)      29/EDS/E16/ED/R/ID

ED: Oh, good.  I actually would love for you to come sit down  and talk to me down here.

GS:Yes, I’ll be there


This datum occured in datum number 29 in the sixteenth episodes of eighteenth season of Ellen DeGeneres Show. This datum found in 00:00:55 minutes. The guest stars is Rickkita. Ellen make request indirectly in the declarative form. The form of the datum is declarative since it is in the statement form. Request is the utterances that have function to ask something. Ellen used request to ask or beg the guest stars to do something

Ellen indirectly request Rickkita to come down from the skybox. In this case Rickkita think that she just Ellen’s skybox audience member of the day and had no idea she would be guest stars on the show. Rickkita has background knowledge to know the invisible meaning. The effect is Rickkita come down from the skybox and chatted with Ellen. This context Ellen want chatted about her feeling to be single mom who was forloughed at the start of pandemic. So, this datu is reques with indirect strayegies because theres another meaning beyond the utterances.

3)      11/EDS/E1/ED/S/ID

ED: Can I just say, because my hair was falling out because I was coloring it so much. And someone told me to get a satin pillowcase because satin pillowcase aren't as hard on your hair. So, that might be better than Monistat

GS: I'mma tell you I've had a satin pillow.


This datum is found in datum number 11 in the first episodes of eighteenth season of Ellen DeGeneres Show. This datum occured in 00:09:43 minutes. The guest star of the show is Tiffany Haddish. This  datum is indirect suggestion in declarative form. Suggestion is the utterances that have function to suggest something in order to give suggestion to the hearer. Ellen used suggestion to giving the guest stars some recommendation.

It is suggestion because Ellen give recommendation about the pillow fabric. Ellen suggest in the polite way by used the word “might be better” because Ellen doesn’t want to offend her. Moreover, Ellen also give her reason first why satin pillow more smooth and better than monistrat before give recommendation to Tiffany. It is has invisible meaning because Ellen doesnt say directly that satin is better than monistrat. In this case, Tiffany have background knowledge, so she can understand what Ellen intended meaning. In speech acts, the structure is not always the same as the meaning. So, this datum can be the types of indirect suggestion.

Based on the data findings above, the researcher found 85 data. The researcher found 38 data to command, 21 data to request, 16 data to invitation, 6 data to suggestion and 4 data to prohibition. The researcher also found 66 data to direct directive speech acts and 19 data to indirect directive speech. Here the resecher presented in table as bellow:

Table 1.1 The percentage of the types of directive speech acts























Table 4.2 The percentage of the strategies of directive speech acts 














From the table above, it can be seen that direct is the dominant finding. For the types of directive speech acts, command is dominant data. The researcher found 38 (44.71%) belongs to command. For the strategies of directive speech acts, direct strategies is the dominant data. The researcher found 66 (77.65% ) data belongs to  direct directive speech acts. Therefore, direct command is the dominant data finding. Ellen as the presenter has the higher status or the authority hosting the programmes.

Ellen also has a right to command the guest stars to explain their stories or to do something.  Therefore, Ellen performs a command frequently in the eighteenth season of Ellen DeGeneres Show. Besides, as a presenter Ellen need has clear voice to hosting the programmes. Thats why Ellen using direct directive speech acts to communicate with the guest. Therefore, direct directive speech acts are frequently found in eighteenth season of Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Context of situation is the essensial part of directive speech acts. Context influence the hearer to interpret what the speaker intendes meaning. Leech (1983:13) defines that context is the background knowledge assumed to be shared by the speaker and the hearer and which contributes to the hearer’s interpretation of what the speaker means by  given utterances. It gives deeper meaning to utterances. Leech also statesthere are some aspect situation in pragmatics approach such as addressers and addreseess, the context of an utterances and the goals of utterances.




After discussion the types, the stategies and the context of situation of directive speech act in eighteenth season of Ellen DeGeneres Show. The result of this research, the types of direct command is the dominant data finding.  It is related to the responsibility of the presenter. Agcas (2021) states that Ellen as presenter will be responsible for hosting the program, linking the segments, and interview and introducing the guest stars. Therefore, Ellen performs direct command to give intruction/ to interview to the guest stars to tell their stories in the interview session. Bsesides, the skills of the presenter. Agcas (2021) mentions that the presenter need to have skill such as excellent communication and presentation skill, the ability to take initiative, have clear voice, confident manner, etc. In this case, Ellen performs direct command politely without offending the guests because Ellen is good in communication. Context of situations is the essensial part of directive speech acts. There are three aspects such as addresees and adreseers, context of utterances and goal of utterances.





AGCAS. (2021). Broadcast presenter. Graduate Prospects Published


Bogdan, R.Cand Biklen, S.K. (1982). Basic qualitative research for education: An introduction to theory and methods. Bostom: Allyn and Bacon.

Craswell, J.W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed, methods approaches. London: Sage Publisher

Girsang, G. (2014). Illocutionary acts in Ellen Degeneres Talk Show  (Doctoral dissertation, University of Medan

Leech, Geoffrey. (1983). Principles of Pragmatics. New York: Longman Group

Nurhayati, E. (2017). Directive speech act analysis in Kungfu Panda 3 Movie (pragmatics approach). Surakarta: IAIN Surakarta

Spradley, J. P. (1979). The ethnographic interview. New York: Holt,

Rinehart and Winston

Yule, George. (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press









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