Short Story "The Red Painting"
The Red Painting
by Larvare Pine
by Larvare Pine
In the peaceful night, no music, no words, a silence is good way. I
laid down under the sky, delightful of sight the moonlit night smile on me. The sky more darker and darker hiden the
shined of million stars. Hearing the flew of the wind kissing and smelling the
pine trees. I sat on the rooftop, I could see all the skyscraper and dozens of
light are dazzled, for miles. Here, I’m alone, upset, mad, fretful, and scared.
I attempted to compare the serenity of my heart with the serenity of the sky
that grews darker. It was cold and blustery night. I hurried into my house. The
house remained me for the memories. The hot tears welled into my eyes, tored my
hand away and flinging my body on the divan. I buried my face in the cushion,
weeping and blaming my self.
I am Keenan. I’m an orphan, my family was died in accident because
of me. At the moment, we were on the way to holiday trip. I love drawing since
I was kid. I drew the scenery along the road. My mother always praising me when
I showed it. My father curios want to saw my drawing. Suddenly when he saw it,
there a truck high speed forwad us, then..... Brakkk!! I could vaguely see
their shadow covered in blood before I unconscious.
In the night of nonesense, I
came to the rooftop and determined to end up my life. I wanna die. My life is
meaningless, useless and I have nothing. Everything was over now.
“I’m a loser. Its all because me. I dont deserve to life. I’ll jump
now” I stepped over my leg doubtly. I looked
down visualize how I died. I was too scared.
“Oh my Lord, why this happened to me? I can’t.. I can’t do this..” sorrow voice. I
take lying down and stared the sky. I only have one reason to stay a life. To
be a painter as what my mother trusted to me.
One night, a years later. I have work as painter. I painted and
painted a whole day. It helped me forgot all my pain for a while. I constantly
painting, using abstract depictions to represent my chaos life. I sat on the
saddle bag on the corner of the room and prepared which painting I would sale. Suddenly,
my friend called me;
“ Hello Ken, do you have free time tomorrow ? I wanna visiting art
galleries, will you?” said Billy
“ Hi Bill, yes, certainly.. I’ll go there.. thanks for offering me”
I responsed an enthusiasthic nod.
Im rarely left my home. I just went out for the essential bussines.
I went by bus and arrived an hours before it opened. I got breakfast in
cafetaria on Makemo street and glancing around the street that filled with
peopple passing by. My gaze was drawn to
the old luxurious libarary in middle of the city. I decided to set foot in the
library. I opened the door. The unique decorations room. I saw old fashion arm
chair and a classic piano in the middle of this room. All this book are neatly
arranged on the bookshelf.
“What the hell
of million books here?!” I stood in amazement. I headed for the stairs and
climbed up to the second floor. I found art book in the corner. Im interested
one of book in bookshelf.
“It was and old
book.” He said shaking dust from the book.
The book tittle The Bloody Art.
The cover of this book is a portrait of beautiful lady in red hue. Its looked
like pretty girl but somehow its horrible portrait. The potrait seemed watching
me with her beautiful dim eyes and her cruel smile. In this bellow of the
author name theres weird notes “Dont read me or the curse haunted you!”. Its terrifying notes, but it heightened
my curiosity about it. I read page by page, I read it partially and still not
believing about what I’ve just read.
“This is...
this is weird book.”
This is the
mysterious books that I ever read. I
wanna borrowed it. I Looking for the librarian. I found nothing. I glanced around
quickly and nobody here, then I stole the book and put in my bag, quietly. Time
has indeed flown, Almost imperceptible I’m here more than 3 hours. I checked my
phone, so many missed call and messages from Bill. I called back and told him,
I’ll be there for thirty minutes. I hurried running to the gallery art. Bill
waited and asked me anything like usual. He is
fussy guy.
“Well Bill,
aren’t you the chatty one? Dont be nuisance, please..” I raised my eyebrows and
“Alright Ken,
sorry for bothering you. But you know how worried I..... blablablablabla” Billy
kept talking.
“Shut up
Bill!!” I screamed to him. I walked in the centre of the gallery art. Stood the
full lenght potrait of a young man, clamped to an upright easel. Wonderful work
Finally, after
I arrived at home. I took out a worn-looking book from my bag and re-read
again. This book represented the shortcut way how to be real painter. This book
explained that I have to paint seven painting about the beautiful lady. Murdered
them and put their spirit into the
painting. So, the painting looks like its alive. For me, its sound interesting
and challenging, because I never drew
human before.
“Keenan.., Keenan...,
Hear me, you must do this,, or the curse book will haunted you..” the creepy voice
whispered to me. I heared that every night, I cant sleep and always got nightmare
after read a half of the book.
“This is so
crazy. What the hell of unreasonable way to be real painter?! Its ridiculous.
Why I must murder the innocent lady and put them spirit into my painting?!”
Keenan..., Hear me, you must do this,, or the curse book will haunted you..”
the voice whispered me again in every minute. I dont believe it and tried
ignore it. After I read the book thoroughly. I became depression. My life was
going from bad to worse. Im sleepless and had no appetite. Im drunk and light
numerous cigarette everyday. I couldn’t think clear and become crazy.
Keenan..., Hear me, you must do this,, or the curse book will haunted you..”
“Fine! Fine! I
will do as you said! Stop haunt my head!! Yeah, thats right! if what you said
that I can become a famous painter by killing people, than it will be kill two
bird with a stone, hahaha.. You stop whispered and I become a famous painter!!”
I said angirily
In the next
day, those voiced vanished as I start to prepare the murder. What a great day
without a strange voice in my mind. I started to enjoy it. I will become a
famous painter. I arranged my plan as perfect as possible. I want became
professional murderer. I will do it without leaving a trace. Lets see.. how good
did I do it??
In the sunny
Sunday. I looking for the beautiful lady a round the city. I went to park,
mall, bioskop, bar , discotic in everywhere. I felt exhausting. I took a rest
and ordered my brunch in cafetaria on Makemo streets. My favorite menu is
Tortila Espanola and a glass of mojito. When I enjoyed my brunch, I saw beautiful girl passed me.
I looked her
gracious and comely. She walk towards me a smile of pleasure passed
across his face. After she get a sit near me. She started up open his phone and closing her eyes, placed her fngers upon the lids. Make me seems about to linger there. I came closer her.
across his face. After she get a sit near me. She started up open his phone and closing her eyes, placed her fngers upon the lids. Make me seems about to linger there. I came closer her.
“ Hi lovely
girl. Can I sit here? You know, you are
so pretty sexy and you have extraordinary personal beauty. Hmm, are you alone??”
I elevated my eyebrows, looked at deeply and begin sit beside her.
“ No hold on,
just tell me what do you want?” she answer in calmer voice
“ Im Keenan, a
painter, do you want me to paint you? Dont worry, its free for pretty girl like
you.. Here my card. Call me if you interested.. Nice to meet you, Im waiting
your call baby..” I winked at her, and she smile on me.
I left her
alone and walking without looking back. Actually, im so nerveous, my first time
talking with the strange girl. My fingers are trembling. Fortunately, I can
hadle it.
“Its okay, you
did great Ken. Im proud of you..” I murmured my self. Then, I return to my house and hurried sleep
to my bed.
I woke up in
the middle night. Checking my phone, there is unknown missed call. I hope this
is the girl that I met in caffee. I grasping my phone, took a deep breath and
be prepared to call back. My guess is right. Someone who talk on the phone was
the girl. She want me to paint her. We meet up tomorrow in same place where we
met on the weekend. We have small talk for a while before she hang up it.
nearly ten minutes I stood there motionless, with parted lips, and eyes
strangely bright. I felt intensely interested. I remembering the curse book. I read and learn it again. I
had a planned to invites her in my house then executed her. I have prepared
everything and also cleaning my house and bought some wines for fun seeing her
At 6 a.m I woke up. I ought to get up but instead I
put my hand across my forehead to shut the bright sunlight out of my eyes. It
perfect morning since I couldn’t sleep for last a 3 days. I looked at the
window and drew a deep breath, this air
was so fresh. I take a shower and dressed my self more than usual, giving good
deal of taking care selection of my necktie and scarf-pin, combing my hairstyle
neatly and wear parfum.
“Wow, look at
you, how handsome I am. Are you ready
meet her?” I ask to my self. I arrived
there on time and ordered the drink. Im waiting her for a minutes. She is come
“Hi Keenan,
sorry for coming late. I had traffic jam on the way. Have you waiting me for so
long?” She seemed to be having difficulty breathing after running here.
“No, take easy
about that. Here the menu, ordered first. Btw, you are really beautiful. I
meant you are the second beautiful woman after my mother.“
“ Thank you Ken.
Its too overrated. I’m Beverly. Sorry Im forget introduce my self yesterday.”
Her cheeks flushed for a moment with pleasure.
We eating
together and have warm conversation. I speak to her, but not catching the
meaning for her words. I just think how I kill her and see her reaction later. Without
a small talk I invites her go to my house.
“This is your
home, Ken?” She looking around in my house.
From the corner
of the room theres saddle-bags which he was lying, smoking innumerable
cigarettes. Theres so many abstrak and natural painting hanging on the wall.
She curious about the biggest abstract painting hanging alone in there
“This is
wonderful work of art, all of potrait are wonderful likeness too. This paint really
fascinates me” she saw one of the colorfull abstract art.
“Yes, this is
one of my best work ever. Theres nothing that art cannot express. And I know I
have done since they left me are the best work of my life. now. I can re-create
life in a way when I painting. ‘A dream of form in a days of thought’. I said
“who is it who
says that?” she ask me
“ I forget. It
is sad thing to think of. Perhaps you will unable to understand. When I geting
down and nobody besides me. I make this abstract art for represent my feeling
and giving me a hope. Some day your life in grey color. You have no choice, you
life but feel nothing. You wanna suicide but you can’t. The colorful color here
represent my emotions feeling. You can’t feel what I feel, Bev.” I said glassy
eyes. Unconsciosly, I explained her what
the painting meant for me. I got up from the seat and opened the dussty green
door. Its my privacy room where I had painting.
“Keenan, this
is quite wonderful! Dont talk like that. I know what your feeling. I can feel
it. Youre stronger than you think.” She said following close behind him.
“Are you ready,
Bev? before we get started, I‘ve prepared some wine for you, lets take a a
glass of wine first” I said in calmer
I sow something
into her wine to make her fainted. I’m waited for few minutes she was fainted. I
dragged her and tied her to a chair. I tied her beautifully, make sure that it
didn’t hurt her beautiful smooth skin. It was too precious to left red mark of
a too tight rope.
When she opened
her eyes and tied in the chair. She was crying and screaming for a help. All
her heart full of fear. She hear the footsteps closer into the door. Suddenly
keenan appear from the door. He coming closer me, smiled and whispered in the ear.
“Hello Bev. I am so sorry. When I am painting, I can’t think of anything else.
I wanna be famous painter and I have do this to you. The moment I met you,
youre face remain me to my mother and also the accident. The most loathed
things in my whole life. You look very charming today. Just Stop crying baby,
you’ll be fine.. I must ask you something. How do you want me to kill you?”
nonsense you talked!” She
said. Her voice trembling.
just keep silence and enjoy it.. Its not really hurt, I promises”
swept and dash of the brush on the canvas made the only sound that broke the
stillness. I took something glimmered tools on the table. Yes,
it was long pallete knife. I looked at
her pallid face and tear-stained eyes. I juxtaposed the knife closer to her
chest that faced her. Her eyes fell on it. She knew what he was do next.
“Dont, Keenan, dont! It would be murder!” she cried
I dont response her. I moved slowly the knife closer her neck. I rushed
at her, and dug the knife into the great vein that is behind the ear, I pushed
my knife deeper and cut the great vein. She was a stifled groan and the
horrible sound of her choking with blood. Letting the blood gushed from throat. She is
bleeding and the blood marred her clothes and dropped into the floor.
“ I have to
finish it as fast as I can before she died” I said start to paint her. After about a quarter of an hour, I stopped painting, looked her dying. She
is look of fear in her eyes. Im laughing
and says “ It is quite finished, baby”.
I take her dark blood into my pallete and coloring the potrait with her pure
blood. I applied it into the canvas carefully. I dont want to break this, just because the blood is too thick. What a
beautiful vermilion eyes gaze me!
look at your potrait, baby. Youre adorable! You have splendidly natural simple
pose and expression. Lemme tell you something, baby... Every portrait that is painted with feeling is
a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter. It is not the sitter who is
revealed by the painter; it is rather the
painter who, on the colored canvas, reveals the
painter itself.” I said looking her straight in the face.
“ Ghh.. ukh.. ukh.. hegh..!” she groaned.
“ Sleep there thightly. Everyone will cherish your beauty forever
in this painting, O lovely girl.” I said creepy voice. I put her spirit in the
painting. It trap there forever. Thus why this painting looks alive. She died
quickly it had all been done! I felt strangely calm, and walking over to the
window, opened it, and lighting a cigarette on the balcony. I confused what
should I do for her corpse. Then, I opened the curse book again. I didnt find
the answer from it. Finally, I mutilation her corpse into several body parts. I
put it in the trash bag and in the box. Its funny but exhausting. Im tired i
wanna take a rest soon.
the next morning. The wind had blown the fog away, the sky has become overcast.
I open the window. I look down and I see the police in front of my house, knocking
my door. I was so panic because I’m forget threw her corps yesterday. I drew a
deep breathe and calming down my self. I opened the door.
what can I help, sir?” I ask in calming voice
looking for Beverly. Is she here?” The police answer
but she went home last night?”
she is here,sir. I traced her phone. The location precisely in his home. Bella is
here. We have to check it!” The blonde girl said high voice.
No.. Hold on! Bev is not here. Sh.. she left her phone!” I answer nervously
is lying. Bev asked my help to looking for her if there something happen on
her. She also give his address. I lost her contact last night. Im worried for
her.” She said
“ She
was right sir, we have to check it. Im sorry enter your home without permission.”
The police said
police go inside in my home. they found Beverly’s shoes, makes sure that she is
here. My heart beat wildly, it diffucult to breath until they found Bev’s
corpse and arrested me, thews me into the prison.
visiting me in the prison as soon as he hear the news.
what the hell are you doing?! I think its just hoax. I dont believe it, Ken.” Billy
said, shaking his head, stared me with this dejected look on her face.
sorry Bill, Im..Im too obseses to be famous painter as my mother expected to
me..” I said while sitting at the table with bowed head and outstretched arms,
Hei, I know you are a good guy. I have a desire to help you. But, as your best
friend, you have to take responsibility for what you do. You must stay here for
while and I wil help to commute your sentences in prison. Okay? You will be
allright, I always support you no matter happen, Ken”
“ Allright.. Thanks Bill, Youre my family, only you I have. Thank
Few days in
prison, makes me frustation, dreadful, anxious and stressful. I cant painting
and nothing to do. Its remained me what happen in the night of nonsense when I
wanna suicide. In the middle of night, I twisting the fork that I hid under my
shirt. I was wondering if tomorrow I’d be in the paper. I’ll be famous painter.
At least they knew my name as bloody painter. I smiled and ..
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